blue dandelion quote pull of love rumi

Our development is about deepening in presence with what is.

Acknowledging, accepting, flowing.
With life and each other.
Doing good and enjoying our time here.

As much as we’re able to do that
- to be that - we are in peace.

Then, we can deepen more.
And do more good in our roles.
That’s the infinite cycle of life.

And it all starts right here, now.


Development happens in never-ending cycles. Conscious development is about engaging in intentional practices, self-reflections, exercises and exchanges that nurture our natural unfolding through those cycles.

My work is a combination of integral development coaching and deep presence conversations that support clients in this process.


The coaching meets the whole of you, where you are, now.

I am your mirror on the path from who you are to who you are becoming.

You keep turning towards what’s arising with discipline and kindness for yourself
and I keep holding you in important questions and the discomfort
as you move through.

I am as committed as you are.

How it works

I open the field of deeper presence for you
in the space of our conversations.
It changes your being and consciousness.
You practice it in other contexts
until you’re able to stay there on your own.

This enables you to live more of your potential and create a lasting legacy.


  • Metaphors of the ways I see you are seeing yourself and the worlds. Who you are now. Who you are becoming. Qualities of the soul to nurture in the process.

  • Custom designed for you. You open inquiries, experiment with the ways you experience, behave and perceive. You notice what changes in you.

  • Modalities and methods I have studied in depth and found effective for myself and others. Chosen specifically for you in your current unfolding.

  • You bring the current questions. I bring the holding space. Together, we make new distinctions and open possibilities that you then take to practice.

Coaching options

  • 10 conversations, resources and guidance.

    Every 2 weeks, online or in my studio in Sarajevo

    1.600,00 EUR

  • A one-off conversation if you’ve already done an integral program with me

    160,00 EUR

  • Bespoke in-person coaching at special locations in Bosnia&Herzegovina

    Per request


More self-awareness

You reflect, observe and practice awareness in the present moment. You become more aware of yourself and how different parts of you, your ways of being and your presence create and affect your experience of life.

Long-term excellence

You practice conscious shifting into new patterns, ways of being and depths of presence. You become more receptive to life coming through. You become more competent and feel more fulfilled. The change stays with you.


You take on the the cyclic nature of development as an ongoing intentional practice. You start designing your own support framework and take on a more leading role in our relationship, while I continue to be your mirror.

Coaching program

Phase 1: Sun

Preparing for our first session, you go through reflections and exercises that help you orient deeper towards the topics and intentions you’re coming with and what else is present and important for you.

Our first session, the intake, serves as a way of us unpacking your topic and your way of being in the world.

On our second session, I invite you into an Integral Development Program, which is a set of practices, exercises, reflections and other resources designed specifically to support your emergence and integration into the new way of being in the next few months.

We spend sessions 3 and 4 in deepening and widening your experience of the new way of being. This is where you usually start seeing what no longer fits into your life and needs to be let go of, as well as what new things are needed to support your journeying now.

This is the most intensive part of the process for me as your coach and for our coaching relationship: I am doing most of the work of designing and setting up the new space for your development, bringing you into that wider container of being and holding you energetically as you’re finding your way around. For you, the intensity depends on how quickly you adjust. Some people experience this part of the process as a strong breakdown of the old. Others are entering the process in a slower pace.

The first AHA moments happen from the very first session onwards, and they continue happening as we’re moving through. The Sun Phase is like a new plant coming from the ground and blooming. Sometimes the emotions are bursting, other times they are coming up to the surface gently. New thought patterns are appearing, the inner reorganisation is starting to happen. And, as you’re becoming more self-aware, starting to develop new skills, beginning to see the first results that are motivating you, we’re moving into practicing excellence.

Phase 2: Moon

We spend the following 4 sessions covering what is emerging as you’re starting to get used to the new way of being. This part of the journey is about mastering practices, deepening insights and widening skills, as well as responding to breakdowns that emerge.

The intensity of this part of the process can vary from smooth and slow growing into the new, to some serious resistances coming up and you moving through them more or less seamlessly. It depends on how deep you dive in, how much developmental work you’ve done before, what your environment is like and what is emerging. By now, our coaching relationship, your new way of being and the practices you’ve embraced during the first part of the process are all stable and you’re more able to rely on yourself and less on my support, although it’s there, just as much as it’s needed.

The Moon Phase is like a stable growth of the new plant before it begins to bear fruits full of essence. This part of the process is crucial for the long-term change. This is when, through discipline, your new way of being truly becomes who you are now.

Many times, when we learn something through an education, or while working with someone, we believe we’ve changed just because we’ve become aware of something new and we’ve had a few good results. So, we abandon the mentor or the program, feeling confident we can take it from there. What then happens is, when the old patterns emerge, instead of clearing them fully and integrating the change, we slip right back. This is a point that many coaches and therapists also don’t recognise as a part of the clearing process, or they don’t know how to properly address it, which is an additional contributing factor in us abandoning them and ourselves, returning into the old, of falling even deeper into a way of being that is not supportive of our true selves. Or simply, the method we’ve be using for our development is not designed to support a long-term change.

Change is a process that is happening not only mentally, but also emotionally, spiritually, in our nervous system, energetically and somatically (in our body). It is also happening in our relationships, and all aspects of our life. The change needs to integrate properly on all levels of being. The integration ends when we no longer repeat the old, in the long-term. When the Moon Phase of the Integral Development Program cycle ends, what you will have accomplished is a long-term excellence, which bears deeper contentment and self-confidence. The level of self-awareness is also deeper. This is when you are experiencing a way of being that is deeper than you’ve never experienced before. It brings out beautiful feelings and motivation to explore the new wideness that is opening.

Phase 3: Stars

The last 2 sessions are for reflections of the whole process and feeling into what is emerging as the next cycle.

As your way of being has deepened, you’re now able to reflect on the whole process and see more new distinctions of your journey so far. Your awareness of yourself, others and the world is deepening even more. New way of being is now fully embodied and you are observing who you used to be at the beginning of the program and no longer are. The old patterns have completely dissolved, or you are in the process of wrapping up the final changes. You are enjoying who you are and how your life is unfolding now.

The Stars Phase is like eating and generously sharing the fruits, and also about clearing and sensing into what next cycle of development is preparing to emerge. Because, remember, our development is happening in never-ending cycles. As one is ending, the other is beginning. And, as you’re now also more self-generative and we’ve been reflecting on the process during the whole program, you are at this point able to design the container for your journey onwards on your own, while I am moving into the role of a support that is available but no longer needed on a regular basis.


More about the process

Diving into presence

Presence is about the space of the conversation between us.

The space of openness and the space of trust.

The space of you trusting yourself to open and ask the questions you really want to ask and trusting me to hold with you whatever comes up.

The Inner Source

We all have the source of wisdom in us.

Our ability to tap into it depends on how much we’ve been living from it before and how we’re orienting towards what we’re being called into by the current situation.

It could be blocked by a few or many layers of fear, shame, anger, distrust, the drama that we created as a protective mechanism in situations when we were not supported to live in accordance with our truth and we were not yet capable of protecting ourselves. So, now, even though we mostly truly don’t need those mechanisms, we keep operating from them. We’re afraid of feeling the hurt we pushed deep into unconsciousness and of having the same experience repeated.

The inner source is always our best re-source.
By diving straight into it and trusting it, we’re opening ourselves to life.

The Wound

I won’t mislead you.

Some of these layers hurt when you’re peeling them off.
And it doesn’t get less painful.

In fact, the deeper we dive, they become more dense,
the pressure is higher and the pain bigger.
But you learn to be with what is, not run away from it.
And living with repressed hurt of those inner wounds is a lot more painful.
You’re just not yet aware of it.

Think of removing a patch from an infected wound. It hurts - but you can then tend to the wound and, once it heals, you feel relieved and more alive.

Once the wound, the original source of the pain is healed, all of the patterns protecting it become unnecessary and you simply naturally stop repeating them without efforting.

The path

So, your path unfolds in a few parallel streams.

You get reconnected with your innermost qualities of being with my help.
You practice being with them and living from them on your own.

You keep noticing when you’re falling back into the old patterns and you dive into the wounds beneath (as opposed to only working on the surface level to change them, without removing the patch).

As you shift into the new, the old falls away.
And you’re transformed in the most beautiful ways.

blue dandelion quote breath of love infinity rumi