Where I’m coaching from

The methodology I’m using is a combination of integral development coaching, psychology, engineering, neuroscience, NLP and experiential knowledge, intuition and practice. Embedded in deep presence of being.

To my knowledge, I’m the only ICF certified integral development coach in South East Europe region.

I’ve been doing this work since 2017, certified as an integral development coach in 2019, soon reaching 500 coaching client hours.

Before that, I have individually advised, mentored, trained and coached a bit over 200 people.



Our development happens in never-ending cycles.

Conscious development is about engaging in intentional practices, self-reflections, exercises and exchanges that nurture our natural unfolding.

My work is a combination of integral development coaching and deep presence conversations that support clients in this process.


The coaching meets the whole of you, where you are, now.

I am your mirror on the path from who you are to who you are becoming.

You keep turning towards what’s arising with discipline and kindness for yourself and I keep holding you in important questions and the discomfort as you move through.

The outcomes are as your commitment.


Full program

The integral development coaching program of 10 conversations, resources and guidance.
We meet every 2 weeks, online or in my studio in Sarajevo.
Fee: 1.600,00 EUR

Ginger shot for the soul

A one-off conversation, if you’ve already done a program with me.
Fee: 160 EUR

Deep dive

Bespoke coaching at special locations in Bosnia&Herzegovina.
Fee: per request

The Narratives

Metaphors of the ways I see you are seeing yourself and the worlds. Who you are now. Who you are becoming. Qualities to nurture in the process.


Practices and reflections

Custom designed for you. You open inquiries, experiment with the ways you experience, behave and perceive. You notice what changes in you.

Methodology that works

Modalities and methods I have studied in depth and found effective for myself and others. Chosen specifically for you in your current unfolding.

The relationship

You bring the current questions. I bring the holding space. Together, we make new distinctions and open possibilities that you then take to practice.


More self-awareness

You reflect, observe and practice awareness in the present moment. You become more aware of yourself and how different parts of you, your ways of being and your presence create and affect your experience of life.

Long-term excellence

You practice conscious shifting into new patterns, ways of being and depths of presence. You become more receptive to life coming through. You become more competent and feel more fulfilled. The change stays with you.


You take on the the cyclic nature of development as an ongoing intentional practice. You start designing your own support framework and take on a more leading role in our relationship, while I continue to be your mirror.