Qualities of Being

Our being has subtleties. Layers. Flavours.
In integral coaching we call them Essential Positive Qualities (EPQs).
In Islam, they come from Beautiful Allah’s Names (Esma-ul Husna).

When we are awakening to and in them, when we are nurturing them and living from them, we are embodying them and radiating them.
That’s what I mean when I say “I am Love”.

We all have inside us a potential for each of them.

Our authenticity comes from a unique combination of those qualities we are moulding and being moulded into and how far we’ve come in the development of each of them.

Every intention and every action we are making is a reflection of that.

We are experiencing them differently and anew.

We are manifesting - getting inspired by them through intention and putting them into action - differently and anew.

The way I am experiencing and manifesting Love is different than the way you are experiencing and manifesting it.

Also, the way I am experiencing and manifesting Love now is different from the way I experienced Love a moment ago.

Do you see the unlimited potentiality of combinations, the ever-changing worlds, arising each moment in each one of us and between us?

Here is a starting point for some of them that you can use for your explorations.
May it be of great support to you and the worlds. :)


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