Gratitude arising

Gratitude Arising Blue Dandelion Blog

There is a common notion that all we do stems either from our fear of pain or our desire for pleasure.

What happens when, on our path, we experience a state that has none of these?

When we are not afraid of anything and have no desire for anything either?

How are we supposed to be in life?

The experience

You might think it's a blissful state, to be free of both fear and desire.

But once you actually experience this state for the first time consciously, you're also probably going to experience the breakdown (in obviousness) that is so wide like nothing before.

Which can pull and probably will pull you straight back into either fear or desire. To go back into fear or desire. A fear of fear or a desire for desire. That's known and perceived as safe, as opposed to this wide, unlimited, unknown space.
Because how on Earth can one make an intention if it's not driven by any of these?

If you are able to clear up the ego patterns that are arising and if you're persistent to keep returning to this wide emptiness long and hard enough and actually stay there, a new truth appears.

The original intention, one that is authentic to our true nature, stems out of gratitude.

I am a soul experiencing this life that is coming through me in this body, heart, mind, ego, environment, the world(s).

When I am able to observe and not get entangled in the process of life believing I am the process - when I am having an experience, not being the experience - a natural state of an overwhelming gratitude arises.

From that I can make a completely different intention.

The intention that is free. And therefor, the intention that is of the best possible quality and will bring the best possible fruits, once put to action.

The practice

There are numerous ways to come to this experience. It's always given as a gift. It cannot be obtained by simply desiring to have it or efforting for it.

And there are practices that can support us in becoming receptive to it and more aware of it.

These are some I am offering to you and inviting you into right now:

1. Approach everything with an attitude of gratitude

Having an attitude means seeing everything through lenses of a certain kind. To use the lenses of gratitude, ask yourself:

How can I be grateful for this experience right now?
How can I be grateful for this situation, this person, this event, right now?

Easier said than done, I know. (Honestly, I do know, Iā€™m not saying it just to say it.)

When you're unable to be grateful, keep striving. Keep practicing this long enough through everything that's happening and everything you're experiencing and eventually you'll break through some of the breakdowns this will lead you into.

It's so worth it! (I know that too.)

2. Anchor into gratitude whenever you are feeling it

Meditate on it. Nourish yourself in it. Do as much as you can from it. Share it with others and shower the worlds with it.

This builds your capacity and resources for those situations when it's harder to access it.

Commit yourself to becoming a master of gratitude. Choose it as a continuous path, basically.

3. I am choosing gratitude in this moment

Use this sentence as an affirmation. The choosing part helps with the helplessness that often arises as a resistance to a life situation we find unbearable or unacceptable.

I am finding that out of all of the potential attitudes we can take on in challenging moments, gratitude is the easiest to remember and access.

And it has this beautiful quality to it, that it multiplies everything we're grateful for.

May this post bring beautiful new distinctions and a breath of inspiration into your journey.


From Emptiness Gratitude Arises Blue Dandelion Blog

Gratitude is one of the most powerful qualities of our being and one of the common themes I invite my clients to explore no matter what their current developmental topic is. We develop it through intentional practice and awareness, as everything else.

If you want to dive deeper into the theme of gratitude with my support through individual coaching, head over to contact.


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Honour all of you