This blog is currently in re-organising phase (as is the whole website, hence a bit of a mess). Bear with me. I hope you’ll find valuable content and soon you’ll be able to read it in a more simple way. 

I write in English and Bosnian. You’ll see posts in both languages mixed here. If you want, you can filter only English or Bosnian ones. You can also filter by categories or tags by clicking on them. I wish for you playful and fruitful explorations. Enjoy!

pjesme Jasmina Sabrihafizovic pjesme Jasmina Sabrihafizovic


Život u svrsi je stalno vraćanje u prisutnost, u vječnom sada.

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Novi centar
članci Jasmina Sabrihafizovic članci Jasmina Sabrihafizovic

Novi centar

Odabrali smo autentični put. Zauzeli smo stav. Dišemo ga. Hodamo ga. I baš tada se dese i neke situacije koje nas potaknu da pomislimo: “Griješim li?”, “Možda ovo ipak nije bila prava odluka, vidi koliko me košta.” To je glavni test. :) Hoćemo li istrajati u novom ili ćemo se vratiti na staro?

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